Photographer Picked!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We are booked for newborn photos!!! :)

I have spent the last 2 months looking for a newborn photographer that fit our tastes & budget. I honestly thought it would be easy.....boy was I wrong!! I got spoiled in California with a group of amazing photographers that I loved and had used for various things. I thought a city as large as Chicago would have tons of options for amazing photography, but apparently the northeast has different tastes than I do!

I kept a list of every photographer I looked into (so I could remember) and I'm scared to count it up! Lets just say it is several pages! I even began looking out of state (Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana...) with no luck. Out of all those photographers I found 3 that I liked and 1 that I absolutely loved. Next step was to get price lists....

Ouch! Those that know me know that I will gladly pay good money for photos that I love, but these prices were crazy! The photographer that I loved wanted almost $600 just to schedule a session! After that fee you have to buy each individual print and at $40 for one 5X7 (or $75 for one 8X10) that added up quick! I asked about buying a high-res CD of all photos and it was $2800!! OMG! Considering they ususally only get 30-35 photos from the session that was CRAZY!

Out of the 3 photographers that I liked one never emailed me back (after 3 emails from me), one is on maternity leave and couldn't do the photos, and one was overpriced for the quality of photos (they were nice but for a few hundred more we could go for the photographer I loved!).

At that point I pretty much gave up! I figured it just wasn't going to happen......then I happened to stumble on a blog of gorgeous newborn photos and realized that the photographer was located only 2 hrs away! I almost didn't email because I was frustrated with the whole process but decided to go ahead.

Aaaannnndd.......she is (almost) in our budget!!! Woo-hoo!!! I convinced Dan that the extra $ was worth it, they only stay in that "newborn" stage for 2 weeks and I wanted pro photos to document it!

Here is her website for a preview:

We are scheduled in for July 2nd, though that could change based on when this kiddo makes it's appearance!

Although she has all the props needed I can't resist buying these two hats for the photos (will give away the one that is the wrong gender!). I have been obsessed about these since we first found out we were pg!

Aaahhh I love them! I can't wait to see our LO ready for his/her photoshoot! :)


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