Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yesterday was a new one for me: Mother's Day! :) I felt strange celebrating it since I'm still a mommy-to-be but Dan instisted and was really sweet about it.

I woke up to a yummy breakfast in bed (smiley face pancakes!), flowers and cards. Dan even made me a card from "monkey"! He bought construction paper and crayons.......cutest thing I've ever seen! We then spent the day finishing up the nursery followed by dinner with my aunt and some friends. It was a great day! It seems crazy to realize that the next mother's day I will have an almost 1yr old! WOW! I can't wait! :)

Speaking of the nursery - we are almost done!! YAY! Our chair gets delivered Wednesday and then we just have to hang some things on the wall. It is looking pretty cute if I do say so myself. My next post will be full of pictures I promise! I love that so many things in the room were made by Dan and I. I finished making all the bedding and chair pillow and Dan made the most beautiful bookcase!

I do believe we are now ready to have this baby! I still need to order a baby book and a few more toys but other than that we are 100% ready! We went last week to the hospital for our L&D tour, which was very informative and eye-opening! I've attended many many births....but being there on the patient side is scary. I started having small panic attacks at one point. Luckily we are going to try to labor at home for as long as possible so I can stay "comfortable" and relaxed. I really hope I'm already in transition when I show up....less time dealing with the hospital craziness! I think I like being on the nursing side much more in this aspect! ;)

Here is our little 33wk update:
  • How far along? 33wks, 3 days
  • How big is baby? 19-22 inches and 4.9lbs! The size of a pineapple!
  • Total weight gain/loss: (+) 9.5 lbs!
  • Stretch marks? Nope - I look everyday for them because I can't imagine getting any bigger without them! I have a feeling they are going to explode in my last month. (and I've heard that many women get them AFTER delivery!! Yikes! Something to do with pushing...)
  • Sleep: Every week I think that it can't get any worse....and every week it does :( I usually do good from 2am-5am but all other hours are miserable. It is making the days harder and harder to get through! Exhaustion city!
  • Best moment this week: Mother's Day!
  • Movement: Constant! It's little bottom seems to always stick out to the left of my belly button. I can now tell exactly what is moving where (I can feel little fingers attempt to grab my right hip bone and little toes wedge themselves between the ribs).
  • Food cravings: Fruit! Not sure if this is a pg craving or just a normal "spring is here" craving! The only thing weird I have wanted is a Luther burger (burger with a Krispy Kreme as the bun). I am 100% blaming that on being pregnant!!
  • Gender: Still no clue! Everyone (and I mean every.single.person.) thinks it is a boy....but I go back and forth!
  • Labor Signs: None yet! My braxton hicks have started to become more frequent (normal) and I have had a couple of real contractions in the past week or so......things are starting to gear up!
  • Belly Button in or out? It is officially half out and half flat! Weird! :) The top part by my old piercing sticks out a bit but the bottom half is perfectly flat. Neither look is attractive at all.
  • What I miss: Sleeping, eating (no room!), and walking/sitting without extreme back/hip pain (kiddo knocked my iliosacral joint out of place!)
  • What I am looking forward to: Having this baby!!
  • Weekly Wisdom: I truely underestimated how hard pregnancy was!
  • Milestones: Finishing up the nursery!

As a reference of how big this kiddo is getting here is a comparison between my 13th week (first week I noticed a little bump) and this week:

Ouch! :)

Here is my & "monkey" on our first Mother's Day:

We have an OB appt on Thursday and will be getting another ultrasound! I'm excited to see "monkey" but I am terrified the tech will slip up and tell us the gender! If it was just an ultrasound for growth estimates I would refuse it....but they have to check placental placement to make sure it has moved up since my 20wk ultrasound! Luckily we should get another picture so that will be fun! 6 1/2 weeks to go!


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