Sunday, May 23, 2010
This past Friday we hit another milestone! 35 weeks! What is even more fun is that once you hit that point you only have 35 days to go! WOW! Just over a month (or less) until we meet our little monkey!
I think at this point the nerves are starting to hit both Dan and I. I'm not really worried about taking care of a newborn (I have had pretty good practice the last 4 years..), but I am nervous about the 24/7 aspect of it! Mostly though I'm nervous/sad/excited about the change this is going to bring to my marriage. A baby changes everything and I am 100% sure that it will bring Dan & I closer.....but it is sad to realize that it is no longer going to be just about us! We have had a good thing going for almost 3 years (5 years together total..) and it makes you nervous to realize that it is all about to change! I know deep down though that it will definately be for the better!
Dan's nerves are a mixture of those above AND taking care of a newborn! He hasn't had much practice so the closer we get the more worried he becomes. It is pretty cute! I remember watching him in the newborn nursery the day we had clinicals there.....he will be fine! He can change a diaper like a champ (though he needs more practice for the cloth diapers!) and he is definately NOT going to be one of those "hands-off" dads! Anyone who knows him knows that will not be a problem! :) I'm also lucky in that he is great at housework, laundry, and cooking and has no problem doing it all if needed. That will be a huge relief the first week or two while I'm healing and getting breastfeeding down! I can't imagine being married to a guy who didn't help out!
All in all we are just at the annoying part of pregnancy where you are just waiting (anxiously) for the baby! The room is ready (except for a few pictures that need to go up), we will be packing the hospital bag this coming weekend, hypnobabies lessons are over (just in maintenance mode now), and contractions are starting! The contractions are starting to build up which is both exciting and worrisome (I don't want LO to come for at least another 2 1/2 weeks!!). I get my GBS test at my OB appt this Thursday so we will find out then if anything is "going-on". We start weekly appts this week (which I have been dreading...too much work to get to the office!) so frequent updates should be coming!
My 35/35 photo! (blurry but oh well!) ;)

- How far along? 35wks, 2 days
- How big is baby? 19-22 inches and 6lbs! The size of a very large cantaloupe
- Total weight gain/loss: approx (+) 10.5 lbs! It is hard to get an accurate number since some days I'm swollen & others I'm not! I try to weigh early in the morning before I start puffing up!
- Stretch marks? Nope - It is crazy to me!
- Sleep: I've given up
- Best moment this week: Getting to hang out with friends at the dock! Haven't seen most of them since the start of winter!
- Movement: Never ending! It is pretty painful at times! :( Kiddo gets the hiccups all the time too! Used to be cute...now kinda annoying!
- Food cravings: Pineapple and ice cream (not together!). Luckily pineapple is in season but I'm trying hard to limit my ice cream! Once or twice a week & that is it! (and for the record I never did eat the Luther Burger!)
- Gender: No idea but I'm getting impatient!!
- Labor Signs: Increase in contractions & LO has definately dropped but that is it! I hope things start slooowly moving (but don't come out until at LEAST 37 weeks kiddo!).
- Belly Button in or out? Still a half & half! I'm terrified of what it will look like after this is all over!
- What I miss: Wine and being able to cuddle with my husband! Belly gets in the way!
- What I am looking forward to: Hitting full term (37wks!)
- Weekly Wisdom: Can't think of anything!
- Milestones: Officially entering my 9th month!
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