
Monday, May 17, 2010

I know I promised that my next blog would be over the nursery, but we still have a few things to put up on the walls! The room won't be completely finished until after baby arrives because 2 walls will have pictures/prints that are specific to our LO (little one)! Our chair did arrive though & I love it!!! So comfy & perfect for long nights with an awake baby! ;) So glad we opted out of the overpriced glider from the baby stores & went with the leather rocker/recliner!

While we wait for the room to be finished I thought I would update from our ultrasound last week. We weren't expecting another u/s after our 20wk anatomy scan since my OB doesn't routinely do 3rd trimester scan (really there is not medical point to them!). The only reason we got one was because I had been diagnosed with placenta previa after my 20wk scan (that my OB somehow forgot to inform me of!! Hmph!) and they had to make sure that everything had moved up so I could be cleared for a natural delivery.

To be honest I really wasn't looking forward to the ultrasound. I loved getting a quick glance at LO but I was terrified that the gender would be revealed!! Can you imagine making it 8 months without finding out, only to have a slip at the last minute?!?! I'm sure Dan and I drove our tech crazy telling her over & over that we didn't know & didn't want to know! We kept our eyes closed at the very beginning so she could get babies position (I've heard that some techs put the wand on and the first shot is a perfect "money" shot!). It was hard to relax during the entire scan, though she later told us that the baby was in a position where she couldn't have told us if we begged her to! Good modest baby!! hehe!

We did ask if she could take time to try & get a profile shot for us. Poor lady tried her hardest but this kiddo was not having it! It was face planted into the side of my pelvis and no matter how hard she pushed with the wand it did not want to turn toward the camera!! Stubborn kid! She turned on the 3D viewing to see what type of picture she could get (she was soooo much nicer than the tech at our 20wk scan!) and we got a few facial shots. Our print outs are not very good because the baby was moving so much (blurry) trying to push away the wand, but we could make out some chubby little cheeks and crazy full lips! Neither one of us can figure out where those lips came from! We only tried for a cute shot for a few minutes because LO started getting mad at being pushed around and started crying. :( So sad (but kinda cute!).

Here comes my "bad mommy" confession: I kinda wish she wouldn't have done the 3D viewing! I have never liked the 3D/4D ultrasound pics and always think the baby looks like some deformed alien in them. While I know that our picture is horrible due to positioning and movement (plus the normal weird 3D look...), I can't get it out of my head that my baby is going to come out looking like some deformed alien! Gotta love hormones! I know that I am going to think my kiddo is the most gorgeous kid on the planet no matter what.....but until then I do not have the best mental pictures (or dreams!). Sometimes a little mystery is a good thing!!!!
Here is our "best" facial photo:

So what do you think? Boy, girl, or alien?!

Poor little thing isn't even out yet & I'm already winning the "bad mommy" award! I am just ready for it to make it's appearance so I can stop dreaming funky dreams & just love on my adorable baby! :)

Other than that the ultrasound went great & I was cleared for delivery! Yay!!! Kiddo is measuring in the 60th percentile (meaning it is bigger than 60% of babies at this gestation) so everything is right on track! It is also extremely low and already head down & engaged! Yikes! That explains the intense pressure I've been having along with the severe hip/back pain. The tech kept saying she felt sorry for me having seen what position it was in! Now I feel validated and not like just a whiney baby! :) I've also been having TONS of braxton hicks contractions and a few real ones thrown in for fun ::cough cough::. While realistically I know that this means diddly-squat about when I will go into labor a small part of me hopes this means we will be closer to 38wks and not head towards 42!

Only 2 1/2 weeks until we are "full term"! 5 1/2 weeks until our due date!


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