Becoming Crunchy!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The term makes me giggle everytime I hear it, but I've been informed that I am becoming just that! :)

Everyone used to joke that I would become a "tofu eating, natural remedy, health freak" when we moved to California. Typical stereotype. That definately didn't happen (though I did enjoy the vegan restraunts and having options that weren't ALWAYS deep fried or "chicken fried!). Seems like my bigger transformation began when we moved to Chicago though!

We started changing small things to become greener after moving last year but when we found out we were expecting we really started looking more into what we use/eat/buy. I should probably say "I" started looking and Dan is more along for the ride! ;) Hehe! Guess this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands during the day! Google, blogs, & online communities give you tons of info quickly!

The first two things we started were cutting out canned foods & our cleaning products with chemicals. All the research on BPA found in plastics & cans is really eye-opening! I really feel that many of these perservatives are the reason cancer & other diseases continue to increase with each generation. We mangaged to cut this out by throwing away all tupperware (we now use glass pyrex with snapping lids to store foods or for lunches), buying reusable water bottles (no more plastic!), and getting rid of canned foods. The hardest part was the canned foods! We typically didn't use much but canned tomatoes & beans were used in a LOT of our recipes. I'm still struggling with the tomatoes (I have heard they have them in glass at Trader Joes...but I can't seem to find them!). I'm still experimenting with cooking/storing dried beans for future recipes...any tips would be great! At this point the only canned item we keep in the house is canned pumpkin as an occassional treat for the dog!

As far as cleaning goes we have removed most of our chemical cleaners. We now use a vinegar/water mixture for cleaning our hardwood, dusting, showers, tubs, and windows. It can't be used on granite (vinegar pH is too acidic) so we try to use basic soap/water most of the time....still use special granite cleaner with sealer occasionally. We've also cut out dryer sheets (1/2 cup vinegar works great & I'm looking into getting wool dryer balls) and will be switching to a "greener" detergent this month since we are finally running out of our Tide! We still keep bleach around since our couch, sheets, and towels are white! We don't use it a lot...but sometimes it becomes necessary! ;)

Other steps we are slowly attempting with our food intake is to get rid of processed foods (most!). We really try to stick to the outer edge of the grocery store...and we love our Trader Joes! Our local farmers market starts up in 2 weeks and I cannot wait to buy fresh local produce! We are attempting to make the full switch to organic, no hormones milk (it is hard since we drink about 2-3 gallons a week! That adds up quick!). I'm going to look into almond milk next month since it seems to be a healthier alternative! We also want to switch to local grain-fed meat but haven't found a way to (1) work it in our budget and (2) store it! I'm hoping there are some local farmers at the market to talk about buying some chickens or part of a cow from! I wish we had the room for a deep freeze but we don't so storage will be a major issue. To fit it into the budget I am slowly trying to limit the amount of meat we typically eat each week. I don't care for red meat on most occassions so we typically fill our meals with chicken (lots & lots of chicken!) & ground turkey. My goal is to get us down to 3 days of meat a week (1 day of eating out). The other days I'm attempting to cook veggie dishes or experiment with tofu. Anytime I get annoyed at all this effort I watch Food, Inc. again (highly highly recommend EVERYONE watch is on netflix) and I'm reminded how screwed up our food industry is in this nation! The only processed food we haven't figured out how to cut out/ cut down has been cereal! We looooooove cereal & go through a disgusting amount each week. I don't care for eggs and pancakes definately aren't healthy everyday so cereal is our fall back! We have substituted a little with oatmeal (Irish yummy...reminds me of those gorgeous mornings in Ireland!), but our cereal intake is still way too high! Any tips for how you've managed to cut out processed cereal?! I'm thinking of attempting to make our own granola.....

I can say that Dan & I have already noticed a major improvement in how we feel since we have been cutting out all the "crap" from our diet. It definately takes more effort but hopefully soon it will be just routine.

Our last step has been to do everything we can to not use our car! We walk or take public transport almost everywhere (thankfully this is much easier in Chicago!). We can usually get away with only using our car once a week or every other week! Usually only when we want to go to the suburbs for something (that is where all the large baby stores are!) or we are heading to Madison to visit the in-laws. This month we managed to only spend $40 on gas! Yay! It is getting harder & harder for me to walk any distance but I'm still trying! Hopefully it keeps me in shape for labor & losing the baby weight! :)

Becoming "crunchy" hasn't stopped there! It has also taken over our plans for baby! I'll save that for the next blog post, but it seems I have officially become a "crunchy mamma"! hehe! :) Get ready for a post on cloth diapers, cloth wipes, breastfeeding, baby-led weaning, and babywearing! Oh aren't you excited?! ;)

And any recipes for veggie dishes would be great! I'm still needing help with this!


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