Life after delivery...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
During the last few months of pregnancy I found myself wondering (like most women) how in the heck I would ever look like myself again! You look down at the massive bump you used to call your abs and fear for what they will look like when there is no longer a baby underneath them!
Since all the "bumpies" always ask for postpartum pics I decided to swallow my pride and take some. It will be nice to look back and see what I've accomplished (once excercise is allowed!). I'm actually pretty happy with how I look BUT looks are deceiving and it is totally still jello to the touch!! :( I am able to do sit-ups though (although my OB said not to for another 2 weeks) so that suprised me. I guess my abs didn't take as bad of a beating as I thought!
Here is my belly at 13wks (my first belly picture):

Here is my belly at 38wks 3days (2 days before I delivered):
Here is my belly pics 1 week after delivery:
At 1 week I was actually down to the exact weight I was when I found out I was pregnant.....but as you can see it definately doesn't look the same!! I wasn't able to fit into any pre-pg jeans at this point! My hips have definitly spread out a bit! haha!
Here is my belly at 2 weeks after delivery:
At this point I can actually fit into my jeans but the shape of me has changed. I'm actually kinda liking my new hips......give me a little more of a curvy figure! ;) We shall see if it stays that way! Thanks to breastfeeding I am actually about 3lbs under my pre-pg weight! I would love to go down a little more since I was about 6lbs over what I wanted to be when I got pregnant.....we had just gotten back from a month of vacation so what do you expect?! ;)
This week I am going to start adding in daily walks (if it is cool enough!) and my OB has ok'd light excercise after the 3wk mark so hopefully I can add in some yoga or pilates. We shall see how it goes!
Time to get rid of the jello!!!! ;)
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