Baby? What baby?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Other than the normal issues of pregnancy (nausea, hip/back pain...) I've have been incredibly lucky to have had a complication free "easy" time. A part of me is a little sad that this time is almost over. I am going to miss my big 'ol belly (I can't even remember not having it!), the little kicks/punches/rolls, and having "monkey" all to myself. I'm selfish but I've loved this time I had with kiddo, something only other mommies could start to understand.
The other parts of me are ready to go!! I am a total type "A" personality and need to plan everything. Not having any idea when I will go into labor is driving me crazy! I want to know if I have a son or daughter coming my way....whose nose/lips/eyes kiddo has....what his/her cry sounds like....the list goes on & on. I am ready to have my outside baby!
Weekly Update:
- How far along? 38wks, 2 days
- How big is baby? 19-22 inches and 7lbs! We have upgraded from the small round watermelon to the large long one! Eek!
- Total weight gain/loss: approx (+) 14 lbs! Water weight is crazy though! I can weigh myself & then a few hours later be up 5-7lbs!
- Stretch marks? Nope. I cannot express how shocked I am to have made it this far!
- Sleep: Hahahaha!
- Best moment this week: Getting out and enjoying the gorgeous days with Dan! Last ones without a kiddo to bring along!
- Movement: Definately slowing down, kiddo has no more room!! Nighttime is still the favorite though!
- Food cravings: Donuts :( I have only let myself have a few but I could easily sit and eat dozens! Hoping my willpower holds up!
- Gender: I have no freaking clue...mommy intuition - FAIL
- Labor Signs: Body is ready to go & having tons of pressure/cramping/contractions....but nothing with a pattern yet! Come on baby!!
- Belly Button in or out? We are pretty much all the way out. Very very weird!
- What I miss: Being able to get up off the couch/chair/bed without it taking 3+ tries! ;)
- What I am looking forward to: Labor!!
- Weekly Wisdom: I am going to have a stuborn baby....I have accepted it!
- Milestones: Getting the hospital bags packed, getting the nursery complete (more below!), and being ready to pop at any moment!!!
I haven't taken my belly pic for this week yet (will do tomorrow morning!) but it is huge! I decided to measure around to see how big it was and it was 40cm!! WOW! I won't say what I started out with (hehe!) but lets just say holy cow that is bigger than what I thought it would be! It is still strange/amazing to see myself with this big belly! Everytime I get ready I always just stop and stare at it in the mirror. I still can't believe it is me I'm seeing!
The best thing about today was that we have finished the nursery and gotten everything washed/folded for LO! I love how the room ended up turning out! We wanted something understated (ie - not really babyish) and I think we achieved it! The room is pretty small so we had to pay attention to where we put things and the size of all the furniture! Here are some pics:
(sorry some are blurry/hard to read....blogger screws up all my photos!)

Hey I used to manage the prodcution of cloth diapers, look into, they are pricey but made in america, well texas, and super amazing. Also, they are precious!!! They are one size fits all so you dont have to buy small, med, get the idea. She also has a lot of great things on her website even if you dont buy her diapers!
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