1 week already?!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
This past week has been absolutely amazing. Everyone always tells you how hard it is with a newborn....how you will be in "survival" mode...well I hate to disagree but honestly this past week hasn't been bad at all! Most of this is probably because I knew exactly what to expect with a newborn (one plus of being a NICU nurse!) ;) It also helps that so far Harper has been a pretty laid-back kiddo. She only really cries when she wants to eat, which is every 2.5 - 3hrs!
The hardest part of the week has definately been breastfeeding. I am very lucky to have a baby that had a great latch from day one and my milk came in on day 4....but that still doesn't make it easy! I've assisted many moms with breastfeeding, but now that it is me & my baby all my knowledge has flown out the window! Trying to figure out when to feed, which side to feed on (both or just one....), when to pump, when not to pump............it will make your head spin!! So far we have had no real problems and I am making MORE than enough milk so hopefully I can build up my freezer stash soon!
Luckily Dan has been able to be home for almost the whole week (he worked 2 nights) so we have had plenty of time to just relax and enjoy being a new family! We also had our first "outing" on Monday to Harper's newborn photoshoot. The studio was about 2 hrs away so I was pretty nervous but it went great! I nursed her before we left and she slept the entire way. She also did pretty good during the actual photo session....we didn't get all the shots we were hoping for because she woke up towards the end and NOTHING we tried got her back to sleep! Hopefully we got a few great shots though! We should see the proofs in another week or two and I cannot wait! :)
We also got to celebrate Dan’s first Father’s Day!! J It was pretty low-key since Harper was only 4 days old but Dan got to enjoy extra cuddles/kisses before he headed to the lake for some kayaking time (he has been dying to go! I wouldn’t let him the last few weeks of the pregnancy due to him being hard to reach out on the water!). When he got home we surprised him with a homemade cake and a card/picture from Harper. It was a great day!